Support Groups

February 12 – Dbsa California Education Days

Our upcoming events are always visible at

Whether you are a DBSA leader, a DBSA facilitator, someone who attends a support group or just someone interested in mental health or mood disorder recovery, there’s something for you on the horizon. And as usual, it’s all FREE!

On February 12 we are holding the third in our series of 2021-23 Education Days
Presentations include:

  • Rachel Star Withers, actress and stunt performer known for her work on the Black Panther and Ridiculousness. In addition to her work in front of (and behind) the camera, Rachel is a well-known speaker on living with Schizophrenia.
  • Mindfulness 101. Alec Kassin returns with a presentation on mindfulness and a short guided meditation.
  • A panel discussion on accessing mental health services in your county.

Register at this link.

Categories DBSA California, Events

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